Hidden Allergens in Medication & Compounding Medication

Hidden Allergens in Medication and Compounding Medicine by The Allergy Chef

A major issue often overlooked in the allergy world is medication. It is possible to be allergic to an active ingredient in medicine such as Amoxicillin, but it’s also possible to be allergic to the ingredients that the active ingredient is processed with such as corn. You can also be allergic to additives, capsules, and more.

This can create a difficult situation for those with food allergies, but there’s hope. Through compounded medication, you’ll have options for having safe-for-you medication made that’s been prescribed by your doctor.

It’s always a wise move to call manufacturers of medications depending on what you’re allergic to. Many of you however will quickly find that compounded medication is going to be the safest option for you.

Why This is an Issue: Medicine Labels Don’t Require Allergen Disclosure

When we purchase food, we’re able to read the label and see all of the ingredients. Manufacturers are required to indicate if any of the US Top 8/9 Allergens are in the product. You’re also able to call to find out about shared equipment, and what ingredients are derived from.

With medication, manufacturers aren’t required to disclose the presence of allergens on the label. Whilst some do (now that there’s huge consumer demand), not everyone is on board. This is why it’s so important that you talk with manufacturers to ensure that both prescription medication and over the counter medication is safe for you to consume.

In This Compounding Medication Guide, You’ll Find:

  • What is Compounded Medication?
  • Finding a Compounding Pharmacy
  • Who Should Have Compounded Medication?
  • Major & Less Common Food Allergens Found in Medication
  • How to Order Compounded Medication in 10 Steps

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