Do you ever reach a point where you just NEED less sugar, even if it is maple sugar? I’ve hit that point as of late, and I’m glad I’m listening to my body. Today I wanted to share a new recipe with you that I’ve really been enjoying as of late. In addition to being an awesome gluten free vegan recipe, these cookies are also corn free, and lower in sugar than the original Corn Free Maple Cookie recipe.
For this recipe, I’ve shaved off 90 grams of sugar and the end result is super tasty. Instead of tasting like a full on punch you in the face cookie, these beauties taste more like graham crackers in a cookie form.
Want to know something REALLY cool? This recipe also doubles as a recipe for faux cereal. I stumbled onto this when testing the best “flattening ratio” for these cookies. To make “cereal” take a medium cookie dough scoop of dough, then break it into three pieces.
Roll each small piece into a small ball then make it SUPER flat. Keep your bake time the same and the result will be a think crunchy cookie. When combined with homemade tiger nut milk, it’s like eating milk and cereal. It also has hints of graham crackers and milk. Either way, it’s such a nice option to have.
Cereal Update: Check out this awesome video I made you 🙂
Allergy Status
Free From: Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Tree Nut (including Coconut), Peanut, Fish, Shellfish, Top 8 Allergens, Sesame, Alliums, Apple, Avocado, Banana, Beans & Lentils, Berries, Buckwheat, Cane/Refined Sugar, Carrot, Celery, Cinnamon, Citrus, Corn, Cruciferous, Garlic, Latex Cross Reactive Foods (H/M), Legume, Lupin, Mushroom, Mustard, Oat, Onion, Pea & Pea Protein, Poultry, Red Meat, Rice, Squash & Gourd, Stone Fruits, Strawberry, Sweet Potato & Yam, Tomato, Yeast
Friendly To: Diabetic, EOE, FPIES, Low Histamine, Vegan
Compatible With: Nightshade Free, Potato Free (Nightshade Variety), Paleo