Beanfield’s Pink Salt Chip Review

Beanfield's Pink Salt Chips by The Allergy Chef

Beanfield’s is a personal favorite around here, mainly because of their commitment to serving the food allergy community. Since first meeting them, they have gone through a lot of changes, however, our first several months of knowing the Beanfield’s team was magical. Their customer service is really where it’s at.

When I saw what looked like a new flavor from Beanfield’s I bought one for the kids to try. I will say, over the past year, they’ve rolled out new packaging, so you may be familiar with this product via the old look.

Beanfield’s Pink Salt Chips

Kid Two: It was good. I like the salt, but it wasn’t a distinct salt flavor, which is what I thought it would be.

Kid Three: I like that the bag is pink to match the name. They kind of just taste like bean chips I guess. If you eat a lot at once, it’s almost like eating refried beans (they get a little soggy in the mouth) and it tastes pretty good. These might be good with a small amount of guac. My fave product today (they had a lot of samples). Yes, these chips taste better when you eat several at once. (He went on to eat the whole bag.)

Kid Four: (took a bite, had a nasty face look) I hate bean chips…

My Thoughts

It’s safe to say this is not a Kid Four product. It is something I’ll purchase here and there for Kid Three. One of these days, I’ll have the kids review the whole line 🙂 Well, maybe not Kid Four.


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