Tiered Cake Tutorial: Carrot Cake & Chocolate “Oreo” Cake

Gluten Free, Vegan, Top 8/9 Allergy Free Carrot Cake and Chocolate Oreo Cake Tiered Cake by The Allergy Chef

OK guys, it’s time for another BIG cake! Today we’re going to look at combining two clashing flavours as cakes. We’ll pull it off by creating tiers so the two flavours are totally separated. Unlike Half & Half Cake, we aren’t working with just two different frostings.

Here’s a little fun story for you though. This cake was actually for a surprise party for Kid Two! However, since he had to help me make parts of it and touch parts of it for me, I told him it was for a bakery customer. He bought it hook-line and sinker. In fact! I went to him, told him the customer had given us free rein and wanted to know what HIS fave flavours would be on a cake like this.

Needless to say, his reaction was pure gold when saw the cake at the total surprise party. Everyone who attended loved the cake, and there weren’t any leftovers.

Here’s what you’re going to need today:

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