Restricted Diet & Food Allergy Emergency and Disaster Planning Checklists

Emergency and Disaster Planning Guide and Checklist by The Allergy Chef

Do you feel prepared for a natural disaster or emergency in your area? If not, this guide and series of checklists are here to help you get there.

Don’t stress yourself out or panic when thinking about what could happen. Instead, I want to encourage you to plan as you have the mental and financial budget to do so.

The goal of emergency planning is to bring peace of mind, and to make situations that can feel impossible easier to manage.

When you’re managing food allergies and restricted diets (not by choice), what you need in an emergency or disaster is going to be different from other people. Yes, we still need flashlights and candles, but we also have to prepare for food and non-food items that others can pick up at any store.

Our checklists will help you prepare items for your both your vehicle and home, as well as for kids at school. These lists can be used for yourself and the child(ren) you manage. If you have questions specific to your situation, don’t hesitate to reach out.

What You’ll Find in This Guide & Checklist:

  • What to do Before Preparing for Emergencies & Disasters
  • Basic Allergy Binder Checklist
  • Basic Medical Binder Checklist
  • Emergency Backpack Checklist
  • At Home Emergency Checklist
  • Evacuation Emergency Checklist
  • Extended Details on Items You Should Have
  • Tips & Reminders

Please also take the time to review the Hospital Go-Bag Guide & Checklist and Compounding Medication resources.

This content is for Silver, Platinum, and Diamond (Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching) members only.
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