Yes, all of those exclamation marks are me screaming at the top of my lungs. VIIIICCCTOOOORIEEEEEE!!!!
Yet at the same time, it’s a little bit of a “how sad” moment. Here I am dealing with diets that heal, and all I can do is get giddy over a doughnut… Oh well. Guilt moment gone and back to happy. Anyone on restricted diet can tell you, it’s hard.
Sometimes, you just really want to break free and have that ice cream or cake. Well, now there are grain free doughnuts. The best part is, this recipe is NUT FREE. So many Paleo & GAPs diets call for nuts, where it’s not allowed on AIP. Not only that, but there are folks like me that are allergic to many nuts, and can’t tolerate the rest. So, here it is.
Now, before you read this, please remember that it’s a doughnut. It’s a “sugary” treat, and not meant for consuming everyday. I say this because there may be some people who are a bit shell shocked by the amount of maple sugar used. Remember, it’s a yummy doughnut 🙂
Fun question: Do you like to spell it as Donut or Doughnut?
Allergy Status
Free From: Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Tree Nut (including Coconut), Peanut, Fish, Shellfish, Top 8 Allergens, Sesame, Alliums, Apple, Avocado, Banana, Beans & Lentils, Berries, Buckwheat, Cane/Refined Sugar, Carrot, Celery, Cinnamon, Citrus, Cooking Oil/Added Fats, Corn, Cruciferous, Garlic, Latex Cross Reactive Foods (H/M), Legume, Lupin, Mushroom, Mustard, Nightshade, Oat, Onion, Pea & Pea Protein, Potato (Nightshade Variety), Poultry, Red Meat, Rice, Squash & Gourd, Stone Fruits, Strawberry, Sweet Potato & Yam, Tomato, Yeast
Friendly To: Diabetic, EOE, FPIES, Low Histamine, Paleo, Vegan
Compatible With: AIP Paleo, GAPs, Flax Seed Free, Seed Free