This is such a cute little product, and is also available in a couple more flavours. Considering rice cakes aren’t normally eaten in our home, I was pleasantly surprised by the results of today’s review.
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The Papa: The salt really helps these rice cakes… Wow, these are good! (he asked for more) Feels like I’m eating salted popcorn… it’s almost buttery? These rice cakes are almost like a cracker but with a nice flavour. Yeah, I’ll take more (he totally stuck his hand out).
Kid Two: It’s been such a long time since I’ve had a rice cake…. I love this. These are soft and I like the sea salt flavour, they did a good job on that. I will say, this is more like a salted cracker than something with salt flavour if that makes sense. It also behaves as expected.
Kid Three: These are very salty to me. You need to love salt to enjoy them. I’d really like these mini rice cakes if there were less salt. (I asked about dipping) Perhaps I’d like them if they were paired with something, else that’s unsalted. He also agreed with my thought: these would be great in a DIY lunchable.
Kid Four: Tastes salty. (I found this funny since it’s clearly stated on the bag.) These rice cakes feel like styrofoam when eating them. I think it’s a texture thing, and it’s probably just me because I don’t like rice.
Interesting note about that… she very much does not like rice standalone. She likes it mixed into a few recipes that are her favourite such as Beet Stir Fy or Pineapple Pork Balls. She’s also fine with gluten free rice noodles.