IG Story Replay: The Hardest Moment, Part 2

Instagram Story Replay with The Allergy Chef

Well all I can say is WOW. The response yesterday was HUGE, so today, I’m sharing uplifting and helpful advice based on everyone’s hardest moments. SHARE THIS. When you meet someone going through the thick of it all, struggling with the restrictions, or new to it all. Send them to this video. Let’s make sure no one feels alone on this journey.

Also, one of the most helpful links for the newly diagnosed: Newly Diagnosed Webinar.

Here are the responses covered in this video, these are some of your hardest moments:

  • Giving up food. Eating in public. Shame. Being misunderstood.
  • The thought of having anaphylaxis. It’s exhausting to be scared of food.
  • Other people not respecting or understanding our needs.
  • Other people’s opinions and lack of understanding.
  • Helping my daughter through her feelings of being excluded from cake at parties.
  • Having to give up eating at restaurants.
  • Feeling excluded from events or hard to accommodate.
  • Getting to the diagnosis itself! Many years, many doctors.
  • Having to always be prepared. No easy “we will grab pizza” nights.
  • It seems like I’m always cooking.
  • No more Reese’s. Wish I were kidding.
  • Food fear and sourcing safe food from free-from facilities.
  • The depression – what I lost was my favorite. Also difficult socialization
  • My child s 20 weeks old with a milk allergy and I don’t think it’s true. I think it’s corn because they’re still reacting.
  • Having people not believe me or undermine my rules by blatantly giving my kid his allergen.
  • When doctors said just avoid the foods, with 7 allergies, one of them being corn. Having to research everything.
  • I have less choices of food but am gaining weight and feeling like a failure.
  • Daughter has milk and egg allergy. Sending her to daycare where I can’t control her food.
  • Grieving the life I thought I’d have once having a kid. Having one with food allergies changed it all.
  • Convincing other people that it’s not all in my head.
  • Trusting other people (family/daycare) with my kid and her allergies.
  • When the youth pastors at my church (of 48 years) wouldn’t accommodate my child’s allergies.
  • I would love a group where (single) moms with anaphylactic allergy talk anxieties…
  • When I began the GAPs diet and realized our food industry is a lie. So hard to swallow.
  • Son is 3.5 years old right now. Egg allergy but every night he’s so stuffed up he cannot breathe.

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