Webinar Replay: My Weight Loss & Complex Case Journey

The Allergy Chef Before and After 300 Pound Weight Loss

In this webinar, I’ve opened up substantially on what my personal journey has looked like. I also cover what you can be on the look out for, things to investigate with your medical team, and a lot more. Topics in this webinar include:

  • My Personal Background
  • Finding Where You Can Heal
  • What’s Happening to Our Society
  • Some of What I’ve Learned About Myself
  • How My Journey Might Apply to You
  • Signs & Symptoms to Look Out For
  • Getting to Neutral
  • Is it Woo Woo or Does it Work?
  • Rapid Weight Loss and/or Wasting
  • Rapid/Unnatural Weight Gain
  • Different Complex Conditions
  • Different Diet Types and Who They’re For
  • HOW to Get Started
  • Tracking Your Progress

This content is for Silver, Platinum, Diamond (Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching), and Recipes Only members only.
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