How To Use a Spice Grinder

Ground Mushroom from a Spice Grinder by The Allergy Chef

I’m super excited to share this video with you today because making spices at home can be super fun. For those with specific allergies (who also can’t do shared equipment), this may be a necessary tool in your kitchen.

You can also use your spice grinder in conjunction with your dehydrator to make some incredibly cool fruit and vegetable powders. It’s just a cool tool to have on hand if you have to make a lot of meals from scratch.

Grinding Mushrooms by The Allergy Chef

Now, the ultimate reason in my opinion to have a spice grinder: homemade mushroom powder. Some people have a texture aversion to mushroom. As a powder, you’re able to bring in amazing flavour, reduce your prep and cook time, and avoid texture issues. For those who can’t have soy, mushroom is a must as a way to bring back the umami.

Clearly I could talk about this for a while, but I won’t. Let’s jump into the video. I’m also going to show you a grinder that DOESN’T work. Good times guys… good times.

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