It’s not often I’m excited about jerky, but this product really spoke to me when I was shopping on Good Eggs recently. Since we have a kid with a beef allergy, I don’t reach for jerky. In fact, It takes a lot of mental jumping to purchase it. I’m sure many of you can relate. When you’re living with food allergies, you just get use to avoiding certain foods. Beef is one of those foods for me.
I will say, when I find a good sugar free option that Kid Three enjoys, I do go out of my way to purchase it for him. I feel it’s important to not make everyone miss out on certain foods. if I don’t have to. Now that the kids are older, packaged snacks are an easy way to allow those who can eat certain allergens enjoy them. This way, I don’t have to worry about contaminating anything in the kitchen, and it’s very contained. Sorry to get so long winded on packaged snacks…
Back to the Fishpeople Salmon Jerky. Part of the reason I was so excited about this is because it’s fish, and that means Kid Two can give it a try. I will say, there are other flavors available, but this was the one I thought the kids would like the best. So, let’s see what the kids had to say about this salmon jerky.
Kid Two: AMAZING! *closes his eyes and continues to chew like it’s nectar from the gods* I would not mind one bit having this as a snack regularly.
Kid Three: Smells like I want to walk away. *Eats some reluctantly* I don’t like it. (It’s important to note that he’s the kid that doesn’t like fish in general)
Kid Four: Smells really good!! Tastes like I jumped into a river and accidentally swallowed a fish. It’s not my favorite snack ever, but I’ll eat it if it’s really good for me.
Final Thoughts
I wish I could say I went on to purchase a case of these. I didn’t. After a few days, Kid Two said he didn’t like them as much. I was a bit sad, but I’ll live, and I’ll purchase a few more and leave them around for the kids to nibble on.
I WISH they loved these. If you’re new to jerky, I’d say give these a try. The other brand that we frequent in this space is Epic.