Corn Free Course Replay: Managing The Mental & Physical Stress

Gardening with the Kids

We are asked by almost every person we meet with a corn allergy or those who live corn free: how do you manage it… it’s just so hard?

If anyone gets it, we sure do. Yet, we haven’t let the corn allergy stop us from living. Is it easy? Not all of the time. However, once you have your routine and safe habits in place, you’ll quickly realize that it’s not impossible to thrive with a corn allergy. During this course, we will be covering:

  • Keeping Your Home Safe
  • Staying Safe Outside Your Front Door
  • Working Outside of Your Home
  • Food Journaling
  • Managing Anxiety
  • Avoiding Depression
  • Coping With Corn Rage
  • Exercise & Hobbies
  • Airborne Allergy
  • Feeling Empowered
  • Finding Your Voice

Corn Free Courses are open to all Diamond Level Members. Come loaded with questions 🙂 You can also sign up for SMS reminders for all live sessions.

Date: Tuesday, November 20

This content is for Platinum and Diamond (Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching) members only.
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