Allergy Seminar: From Childhood to Adulthood

Ikea Shopping by The Allergy Chef

We live in an age where kids seem to live at home for just about forever. While I’m generally OK with this (assuming the contribute, have a job, etc.), there will always be kids who want to spread their wings and fly.

Living independently is a HUGE milestone in life. It’s one that comes with a lot of new adventures and responsibilities. Making sure kids with restricted diets are prepared for adulthood is HARD.

Topics for this Allergy Seminar include:

  • Training Them When Young (if diagnosed young)
  • Catching Up With Training (if diagnosed age 12+)
  • Drugs & Alcohol
  • Socializing
  • Finding a Job
  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Moving Day
  • Essential Tools & Shopping

Allergy Seminars are open to Platinum and Diamond Level Members. Not a member yet? Join today. You can also sign up for SMS Reminders for seminars etc.

Date: Saturday, January 11

Time: 9:30am PST

This content is for Platinum and Diamond (Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching) members only.
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