Ready for a fun story? Some time ago, I was at Costco and was looking to explore some new cuts of meat. I think I was bit tired, because I saw what looked like a big package of bacon and it was SO affordable.
Giddy, I put two in the cart without thinking more about it. Fast forward to when I was ready to break into my treasure chest, only to realize I had purchased pork belly. Are you giggling yet?
If you don’t know, pork belly is the base of bacon. You can use it to make your own bacon at home, uncured, with any seasonings you desire. At first I was disappointed, then, I was inspired to make something delicious.
Enter the Spicy Pork Belly recipe. Two people that are here a lot LOVE all things spicy, and this was a chance for me to make something the kids won’t go near. The end results were amazing, and they came back for thirds 🙂
Allergy Status
Free From: Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Tree Nut (including Coconut), Peanut, Fish, Shellfish, Top 8 Allergens, Sesame, Apple, Avocado, Banana, Beans & Lentils, Berries, Buckwheat, Carrot, Celery, Cinnamon, Citrus, Cooking Oil/Added Fats, Cruciferous, Legume, Lupin, Mushroom, Mustard, Oat, Pea & Pea Protein, Potato (Nightshade Variety), Poultry, Rice, Seeds, Squash & Gourd, Stone Fruits, Strawberry, Sweet Potato & Yam, Tapioca/Cassava/Yuca/Manioc, Yeast
Friendly To: EOE, FPIES
Compatible With: Cane/Refined Sugar Free, Corn Free, GAPs, Paleo