Root Veg + Orange Set Gel & Pipe-able Gel Recipe (GF, V, Top 9 Free)

Gluten Free, Vegan, Top 9 Allergy Free Beet Orange Carrot Pastry Gel by The Allergy Chef

OK Pastry lovers, it’s time for another recipe that sounds a little wild at first, but turns out is awesome-sauce. Today we’re going to be making s simple gel that can be set or piped (I’ll include directions for both). Whilst the name sounds wild, the taste is cleansing and neutral.

This particular gel was made specifically for this pastry assembly and I’m told that the combined flavours were a dream. For other applications, I’d use this gel with chocolate, vanilla, or orange cake bases where you’re layering flavours.

Friendly note for those who are new to pastry recipes: this type of gel isn’t for eating standalone and should be part of an assembly/creation.

Related:  Banana Skin Chocolate Chip Cake  |  Banana Skin Cake Pastry Assembly

Allergy Status

Free From: Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Tree Nut (including Coconut), Peanut, Fish, Shellfish, Sesame, Top 9 Allergens, Alliums, Apple, Avocado, Banana, Beans & Lentils, Berries, Buckwheat, Celery, Cinnamon, Cooking Oil/Added Fats, Cruciferous, Garlic, Legume, Lupin, Mushroom, Mustard, Nightshade, Oat, Onion, Pea & Pea Protein, Potato (Nightshade Variety), Poultry, Red Meat, Rice, Seeds, Squash & Gourd, Stone Fruits, Strawberry, Sweet Potato & Yam, Tapioca/Cassava/Yuca/Manioc, Tomato, Yeast

Friendly To: EOE, Vegan

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