RAISE Podcast Episode 22: My Unpopular Restaurant Opinion

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This is something that’s always on my mind as a person with food allergies, and as a food allergy parent. Eating out at restaurants can be a real challenge, and requires a GREAT amount of trust. We are also each shaped by previous experiences.

Some of you never have to worry about trace amounts of allergens, and for you, eat out galore! For the rest of us, it’s something that should be considered on a case-by-case basis. You will need to do lots of research and make plenty of phone calls.

When you choose to dine out (time of day) will also make a difference. Some people feel that opening time is better as everything is fresh. You’ll have to do what’s right for you.

I call this an unpopular opinion because once you listen to today’s podcast, you can’t un-hear the information. It may make you take a long hard look at all things food. This has become a way of life for us simply because we have no other choice.

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