Did you ever think you’d be living in a time where you could PURCHASE a vegan Twix Bar? Or dairy free Twix Bar? What about a gluten free and top 8 allergy free Twix Bar? Yeah, I never thought I’d be living in that time, yet here I am, writing about it.
You guys, when I saw these, I literally ran to the No Whey website to place an order. Kid Two has never had a Twix Bar before and there was no way he was going to miss out on this opportunity.
So, let’s see what he had to say!
No Whey Chocolates No Tricks Bar Review
The first thing we noted was that the actual bar was not like the photo on the package. What we had was much more rounded, and there wasn’t a drizzle of chocolate on the outside. Kid Two also thinks it’s a bit smaller than what was on the package. Yet, none of that reduced our excitement.
Kid Two: I LOVE this experience. The chocolate is perfect. The caramel is perfect. The cracker cookie thing is a little too dry and sucks up moisture in your mouth. It crumbles in the mouth and doesn’t fuse well with chocolate and caramel. Interestingly, if I eat it flipped over so the cookie is on top it’s easier to chew. This does easily melt in my hand. If I’m being honest, for as cool as this is, I prefer the truffle that I said I’d eat a case of. Remember that time you made sand cookies? That’s what this is like!
For The Papa and Kid Four
First, I had them eat a Little Secrets faux Twix Bar for a solid point of reference.
Kid Four: The caramel doesn’t taste like caramel, but it tastes like a gummy candy. It’s partially a texture issue. In fact, it’s almost gummy flavoured too. I don’t really like it, and I wouldn’t buy it.
The Papa: The caramel is softer than a gummy. It’s not exactly a Twix Bar, that’s for sure. Kid Four is right that the caramel is gummy, not really chewy or melty/runny. Overall, the components do taste good and I like it. Their chocolate is a great tasting chocolate, and it’s good on top of the cookie. Would I go out of my way to eat this though? No, I’d eat the Little Secrets candy instead.
The Takeaway
I think it’s important to listen to Kid Four and The Papa, yet, value the opinion of Kid Two the most. He has zero point of reference and HE IS the target customer. If you have a kid like Kid Two, I think it’s safe to say they’ll enjoy the product. If you’re an adult who’s newly diagnosed and you want a Twix Bar replacement, better wait a long while before you purchase this as your reference point is much too strong.