Fun fact: it took months to sell the idea of fruit pizza to the kids, especially Kid Two. I was thinking along the lines of Watermelon Cake and Mushroom Pizza (we all remember how much fun and laughs I had making those).
Turns out, they were thinking traditional cheese pizza topped with fruit and chocolate. Yeah…. that’s gross. Hehe. Once they saw all of the ingredients out, it started to click in their minds just what I was up to. They were all more than happy to help me put them together, and to be my hands, since I can’t touch the dough.
Once the pictures had been taken, they devoured all of the cups. In fact, they LOVED these. I wasn’t sure if Kid Three and Kid Four would like them since I used non-dairy yogurt for this recipe, but they said that the yogurt was the best part.
After a success like this, I’m sure we’ll be trying more variations of fruit pizza, and you can expect to see a fruit pizza in the Allergy Friendly Pizza Cookbook (if I ever find the time to write it).
Allergy Status (Including tree nut based yogurt)
Free From: Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy, Peanut, Fish, Shellfish, Sesame, Alliums, Apple, Avocado, Beans & Lentils, Buckwheat, Carrot, Celery, Cinnamon, Citrus, Cooking Oil/Added Fats, Cruciferous, Garlic, Legume, Lupin, Mushroom, Mustard, Nightshade, Oat, Onion, Pea & Pea Protein, Poultry, Red Meat, Rice, Squash & Gourd, Sweet Potato & Yam, Tapioca/Cassava/Yuca/Manioc, Tomato,
Friendly To: Vegan
Compatible With: Cane/Refined Sugar Free, Potato Free (Nightshade Variety), Seed Free, Diabetic Friendly, Paleo, GERD Friendly
**Be mindful when choosing your yogurt as most commercially available yogurt contains major and/or less common allergens. Alternatively, you can make yogurt at home. The Dairy Free Swaps Article has info on yogurt and shared equipment with dairy.