Corn Free Course: Safety in the Workplace

Corn Free Course: Safety at Work with The Allergy Chef

If you’re an adult living with a corn allergy and need to navigate the workplace safely, this is the Corn Free Course you’ll want to watch. The Allergy Chef goes over the pitfalls of a typical workplace as well as options you have to improve the situation. Topics in this course will include:

  • Is this workplace safe?
  • Based on your condition, can a workplace be made safe?
  • Working with your employer
  • Social gatherings
  • Travel for work
  • Contact and airborne allergies
  • Responding to non-compliance

Date: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Time: 5pm PST

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Corn Free Courses use the Zoom Meeting application. If this is your first time attending live, be sure to give yourself a few extra minutes to get it set up. You can use Zoom on smartphones and computers.

This content is for Platinum and Diamond (Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching) members only.
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