Allergy Inspiration: Milk & Cereal (V, GF, CF, RSF, Paleo)

Gluten Free, Corn Free, Top 8 Free Milk & Cereal by The Allergy Chef

Oh. My. Goodness. You GUYS!!!! It’s milk and cereal! Total legit milk and cereal. I’ve had several people try it out to confirm that I’m not crazy. The results are in: I have seriously created a delicious cereal option for people who are gluten free, corn free, vegan, and paleo. Or a combination of those items.

It all starts with the Reduced Sugar Cookie Recipe… You run that thru a KitchenAid Pasta Attachment on setting 1. It creates a consistent size and texture. Next, break it into small pieces, then bake on a lined tray with parchment. Start with 14 minutes at 325, then check each minute.

Once cooled, top with Tiger Nut Milk. BOOM!!! It’s corn free milk and cereal. Interestingly, you can also totally taste graham cracker too. There are days where I wonder, is there anything we can’t have with food allergies? No… we can have it ALL.

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