Pastry Inspiration: Five Free-From Tarts (Passionfruit, Apple, Coffee, Lemon, Cherry Matcha)

Gluten Free, Vegan, Top 9 Free Tarts by The Allergy Chef

It’s another inspiration video. As I mentioned earlier in this coffee tart post, I think it’s important to know that we all start somewhere. The coffee tart I shared was my first attempt at tarts. The five tarts that you’re about to see: that was my second try at making tarts.

You can clearly see a jump, even in making something a few times. So don’t give up! Even if your first tart looks wonky, keep coming back.

Here’s something else to know: these tarts are all simple. Some of them look really cool, but overall, they’re simple tarts with only a few components. Trust me when I say this: you can do this too!

The flavours I’ll be making in the video today are:

  • Caramel Apple
  • Matcha Cherry
  • Passionfruit Vanilla
  • Coffee Chocolate
  • Lemon Meringue

All of the tarts are gluten free, vegan, and top 9 allergy free.

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